Sitar Arts Center

The Sitar Arts Center engages children and teens in the highest quality visual, performing and digital arts. They teach the arts so that students learn about themselves and gain critical life skills, creating community for students and their families. 

Sitar Arts Center’s vision is a city where families across the cultural, economic and racial spectrums can live and thrive and a city that fervently believes that high-quality arts education and transformative arts experiences for all are essential. Learn more


DC Central Kitchen

DC Central Kitchen’s mission is to use food as a tool to strengthen bodies, empower minds, and build communities. 

As the nation’s first and leading community kitchen, DC Central Kitchen develops and operates social ventures targeting the cycle of hunger and poverty. We fight hunger differently by training jobless adults for culinary careers and then hiring dozens of our own graduates to prepare the 3 million meals we provide for homeless shelters, schools, and nonprofits each year. Our ventures also prevent the waste of millions of pounds of nutritious food, expand access to healthy, local options in urban food deserts, and scale our model nationally through strategic partnerships with colleges and universities. Learn more
